Wh-/How- Question (Pertanyaan dengan menggunakan kata tanya Wh-/How-)  

Posted by Nyoman Hadianto

Wh-/How- Question (Pertanyaan dengan menggunakan kata tanya Wh-/How-)

Pertanyaan dengan menggunakan Wh-/How digunakan untuk mendapatkan informasi yang lebih jauh (bukan sekedar jawaban “yes” atau “no”)

Kata Tanya yang bisa digunakan adalah What, Where, When, Who, Which, Whom, Whose dan How.

Kita menggunakan who, whom, whose dalam pertanyaan yang berhubungan dengan orang.

1. Who digunakan untuk menanyakan subjek atau objek dari kata kerja (verb) atau objek preposisi.

Contoh : - Who discovered the bulb?

- Who did you play with?

2. Whom digunakan untuk menanyakan objek dari kata kerja atau preposisi. Preposisi selalu berada didepan Whom.

Contoh: - Whom did you embrace?

- With whom was she in?

3. Whose digunakan untuk menanyakan milik siapa atau berhubungan dengan siapa sesuatu benda. Whose bisa subjek atau objek kalimat.

Contoh: - Whose is better?

- Whose did you want her or mine?

4. Which (yang manakah/manakah ) digunakan untuk menanyakan orang atau benda, bisa saja subjek atau objek

Contoh: - Which is your teacher? (Yang manakah guru kamu)

- Which do you write? (Yang manakah yang kamu tulis)

5. What digunakan untuk mennyakan benda, misalnya kegiatan atau peristiwa, bisa subjek atau objek.

Contoh: - What have happened to you? (Apa yang sudah terjadi denganmu?)

- What is he writing? (Apa yang sedang dia tulis?)

6. What.....for digunakan untuk menanyakan alasan dari sebuah kegiatan atau tujuan dari sebuah objek tertentu.

Contoh: - What is the computer for?

- What are you buying that utensils for?

7. How digunakan untuk menanyakan cara sesuatu terjadi atau dilakukan/dugunakan

Contoh: - How are you going to get a new motorcycle?

- How did you know that she is a doctor?

How yang digunakan bersama dengan adjectives (kata sifat) seperti little, old, young, far, dan sebagainya artinya menanyakan ukuran, usia, dan jarak.

Contoh: - How old is your mother?

- How far is the market to your school?

How yang digunakan dengan adverb (kata keterangan) seperti long, often artinya menanyakan tentang waktu atau kemampuan.

Contoh: - How long have you been studying here?

- How well you can draw?

How + many atau much digunakan untuk menanyakan jumlah benda atau sesuatu.

Contoh: - How many students are in the classroom?

- How much money do you have?

8. When digunakan untuk menanyakan waktu tertentu atau rentang waktu tertentu.

Contoh: - When are you going home?

- When was Budi in Sydney?

9. Why digunakan untuk menanyakan alasan sebuah kegiatan atau pekerjaan.

Contoh: - Why is he upset?

- Why are you sad?

10. Where digunakan untuk menanyakan tampat atau arah

Contoh: - Where is the university?

- Where are you studying English?

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Conditional Sentence  

Posted by Nyoman Hadianto

Conditional sentence digunakan untuk menyatakan keadaan yang bukan sebenarnya atau imaginary

Type 1 menyatakan kebenaran mutlak atau kenyataan bersyarat. contoh:
a. You will sick if you eat too much.
b. I will go if you go with me.

Type 2 menyatakan keadaan tidak sebenarnya dan kontradiksi di waktu sekarang (imaginary in the present). contoh:
a. He would fall asleep if he took the medicine.
Kenyataannya dia nggak tidur dan nggak minum obatnya.
b. If I were rich, I would go around the world.
Kenyataannya dia nggak kaya dan nggak bisa keliling dunia.

Type 3 menyatakan keadaan yang tidak sebenarnya dan merupakan kontradiksi di masa lalu (imaginary in the past) dan juga bisa merupakan penyesalan/regret. contoh:
a. I would not have been gone to US if he had catched me on the airport.
Kenyataannya dia pergi ke Amerika dan sekarang ada disana.
b. I would have been passed the test if I had studied hard.
Kenyataannya aku tidak lulus tes karena aku nggak belajar keras.

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Tenses Bahasa Inggris  

Posted by Nyoman Hadianto

Rumus 16 tenses dalam bahasa inggris

Present Tense
1. Simple present tense : S + to be Present (am, is, are) + ... (nominal)
S + v1 + .....
2. Present continuous tense : S + to be + V-ing
3. Present perfect tense S + have + V3
4. Present perfect continuous tense S + have + been + V-ing

Past Tense
1. Simple past tense: S + to be past (was,were) + ... (nominal)

S + V2 + ...
2. Past continuous tense : S + to be + V-ing
3. Past perfect tense: S + had + been + ... (nominal)

S + had + v3 + ...
4. Past perfect continuous tense: S + had + been + V-ing ...

Future Tense
1. Simple Future Tense S + shall/will + be + ... (nominal)

S + shall/will + V1 ...
2. Future continuous tense S + shall/will + be + V-ing ....
3. Future perfect tense S + shall/will + have + been... (nominal)

S + shall/will + have + V3 ...
4. Future perfect continuous tense S + shall/will + have + been + V-ing ...

Past Future Tense
1. Past future tense S + should/would + have + been + ... (nominal)

S + should/would + have + V3 + ...
2. Past future continuous tense S + should/would + be + V-ing .... ...
3. Past future perfect tense S + should/would + have + been... (nominal)

S + should/would + have + V3 + ...
4. Past future perfect continuous tense S + should/would + have + been + V-ing

Contoh dalam kalimat:

Present Tense
1. Simple present tense : I am a student (nominal)
I study English
2. Present continuous tense : I am studying English
3. Present perfect tense I have studied English
4. Present perfect continuous tense I have been studying English

Past Tense
1. Simple past tense: I was a student (nominal)

I studied English
2. Past continuous tense : I was studying English
3. Past perfect tense: I had been a student (nominal)

I had studied English
4. Past perfect continuous tense: I had been studying English

Future Tense
1. Simple Future Tense I shall/will be a student (nominal)

I shall/will study English
2. Future continuous tense I shall/will be studying English
3. Future perfect tense I + shall/will have been a student (nominal)

I + shall/will have studied English
4. Future perfect continuous tense I + shall/will have been Studying English

Past Future Tense
1. Past future tense S + should/would + have + been + ...

S + should/would + have + V3 + ...
2. Past future continuous tense S + should/would + be + V-ing .... ...
3. Past future perfect tense S + should/would + have + been...

S + should/would + have + V3 + ...
4. Past future perfect continuous tense S + should/would + have + been + V-ing

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